You get to choose a Price Per Lead that makes sense for your business, and you can change that price at any time based on the results you are seeing and your needs at that time. Most companies spend about 5% to 15% of annual revenue on marketing
In order to ensure that your sales team only connects with customers who have the greatest level of intent, we use our algorithm to create demand for your service and put each inbound lead through our stringent validation and compliance stack.
We provide you a highly interested potential customer that is eager to discuss your good or service with you right away. You just need to complete the sale. It is that simple.
We are a performance-based agency for local companies. Our compensation is completely performance-based, unlike traditional agencies. We only charge you per valid customer inquiry or phone call we generate for you. As a company, we place our money where our mouth is, and we only succeed if you do.
- You Control The Cost
- No Additional Software
- No Contract
We have worked in all different industries including:
While generating good quality leads is not an exact art, I absolutely guarantee results. While generating new leads that convert depends on several factors such as competition, where the lead is in their decision making process, and the overall quality of your business. I use google analytics to track the performance of your campaigns, and if I don't deliver I work for free.
*If you are a new business or new to the web, results are likely to take a bit longer. Rest assured they will come and will generate consistent revenue for your business.
You can typically expect to see leads in the very first week. After fine tunning, you will begin to see that traffic and quality of your leads will improve. As you ramp up your weekly budget that is when you will begin seeing a radical change in the amount of phone calls and inquiries coming from the internet. After 1 year most businesses will begin switching to our SEO model wich will offer more sustainability and help sustain their business almost fully.
To make things easy, the Pay Per Lead model is a pay as you go with no commitment and you can cancel at any time. No additional fees and you only pay when you receive a call from a qualified lead. Cost per lead varies depending on your industry, you can contact us for more information
Your business does not need a website. Although. the need to establish an online presence for your business is becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity. As of 2019, over 90% of consumers check online before making a purchase. If you are relying solely on referrals and repeat customers to support your business, you could be missing out on massive amounts of untapped revenue.
If you want to learn more about how I can help grow your business, click below to schedule a free informational call. Or send us an email.